When writing a blog, there is no such thing as ‘the dog ate my homework.’ Unless the dog is a virus that eats up your files, destroys your hard drive and years worth of work is destroyed. But there’s no such virus here, and that dog don’t fight or bite.
After writing up a blog two weeks ago about how important it is to meet your deadlines, here I sit having missed a big one. With no excuse except that I forgot.
I can tell you how last Friday a freak storm passed through our town, didn’t last more then an hour but it knocked out our power for eight hours. I was in the midst of working on the comic page and this through me so behind that I wasn’t able to get the page posted on Sunday like it should have. It didn’t go up until Wednesday (that power outage did give me the time to hand write three pages of serial, but still wasn’t enough).
After posting the artwork for page 6 and jump at page 7 and get going on it hoping that it’ll be posted on time this Sunday.
So I totally forget that this blog was due yesterday.
And that, dear editor, producer… reader is the only excuse that I can give you. I forgot.
Take that, as you will. I messed up, and missed my deadline.
So here I am writing this apology, not only to you but to myself. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to keep my promise and get this posted on time, just as I wasn’t able to get the comic posted on time Sunday.
I’m sorry.
So if there are any producers, or editors, or publishers out there reading, know this: If you’ve hired me to do a job, write article, story, or script, and I miss my deadline. There is no one, and no reason, to blame but myself.
That said I now have to tell myself not to let it happen again. I’ve got this blog (which is mostly filler I guess), and I need to finish the pencils and inks for the next page of the comic, start the next chapter of the serial, my week goes on and I will stick with my plans to produce all this as if I was being paid for all this.
Next time won’t wait till the last minute to come up with a subject for my blog.
Again, oops, I’m sorry.
Let’s get it right next time.
Thank you for understanding.
Kevin Paul Shaw Broden
Four Names of Professional Creativity – I want my Creativity to be as Professional as possible.
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